Nearly 50 years ago I was the
prime age of the men who were drafted to fight in Vietnam, but was lucky enough
to have been disqualified for any military service. Many people of my generation were not as
lucky or actually volunteered to join the military to fight in Vietnam.
Of the guys I grew up
with who went to Vietnam, none died in battle in South East Asia; but they all returned so completely altered they were never the same again.
At least three came back
so damaged they died by their own hand within a few years of returning to the
States. Not every one simply committed
suicide. In fact only one overtly committed
suicide. The others died of drug addiction, which is a
slow form of suicide.
Today, as a result of our
never-ending wars in the Middle East, veterans commit suicide after returning
to the states at an alarming rate. They
too should be considered casualties of war who gave their lives in military
So on this Memorial Day as we honor the men and women who have lost their lives fighting for our country, let's also remember these forgotten casualties.